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29 Team at NDC Ready B_edited.jpg

We believe that a strong and extensive reach is the key to success in product distribution. AAM currently has a network throughout the country with 1 national distribution center, 38 branch offices, 33 retail warehouses and supported by 9 representative offices and 60 sales points. Currently, AAM serves customers in the segment of pharmacy, hospitals, drug stores, modern outlets and others.

We believe that a strong and extensive reach is the key to success in product distribution. AAM currently has a network throughout the country with 1 national distribution center, 36 branch offices, 33 retail warehouses and supported by 10 representative offices and 60 sales points. Currently, AAM serves customers in the segment of pharmacy, hospitals, drug stores, modern outlets and others.



JL. Arief Rachman Hakim No. 72 Kota Gresik - Jawa Timur

NDC Cikarang

Kawasan Industri Jababeka II, Jl. Industri Selatan VII Blok PP-7A, Cikarang


Kompleks Pergudangan BSM, Jl. Raya Sungailiat Blok KM 7 No. 99, Pagarawan, Merawang, Kab. Bangka Kepulauan Bangka Belitung


Jalan DI Panjaitan No. 139 RT. 49, Kelurahan Sumber Rejo Kecamatan Balikpapan Tengah, Kota Balikpapan

Banda Aceh

Jl. Soekarno Hatta 3B-C Desa Lamteumen Barat Kec. Jaya baru Kota Banda Aceh 23352

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