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For more than four decades, PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) has developed end-to-end competencies that provide significant value-added in terms of customer and business partner services. In addition to distribution processes, AAM also has the ability to perform registration and import processes, especially for non-pharma products.
For more than four decades, PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) has developed end-to-end competencies that provide significant value-added in terms of customer and business partner services. In addition to distribution processes, AAM also has the ability to perform registration and import processes, especially for non-pharma products.

End-to-End Distribution Capabilities

End-to-End Distribution Capabilities For more than four decades, PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) has developed end-to-end competencies that provide significant value-added in terms of customer and business partner services.


To provide efficient ordering service to customers, AAM is supported by over 800 Sales Force and 90 Customer Service Officers using ERP (Oracle) and iSCAPS (Interactive Salesman Call Plan System) technology. AAM also provides online ordering services where customers can independently place orders through a mobile and web application (iPOS PBF Online) and through a B2B connected ordering system between the customer and AAM. The ease and flexibility of this ordering process makes AAM a reliable and reputable distributor for all its customers.

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IPOS (Integrated Purchase Order System) is an online service to facilitate customer interaction with AAM in terms of product purchase, stock check, shipment status tracking, purchase history, invoice list, and other features. IPOS is used by about 12,000 customers and can be accessed via Smartphone and Website. Customers can place orders anytime and anywhere without waiting for direct interaction with AAM's Sales Force and Customer Service Officer (CSO).

B2B is a Host-to-Host File Transfer Protocol (FTP) based online order system that enables integration between customer ordering systems and AAM's order system. Through B2B, customer orders will directly enter AAM's order system and be ready for verification and shipment processing without the need for direct interaction with AAM's Sales Force and Customer Service Officer (CSO). The B2B system is currently used by over 750 customers, mainly by well-known hospitals, pharmacies, and modern markets in Indonesia.


GPOS Lite is a specialized pharmacy cashier application in Indonesia that provides many beneficial features for the growth of the pharmaceutical business in the digital era. GPOS Lite is specifically designed with the latest technology to optimize the pharmaceutical business and will continue to improve the system to always be ahead in the competition in the digital era. GPOS Lite is the only POS (Purchase Order System) that provides a solution for pharmacies to easily open an online store and can connect to various well-known eCommerce in Indonesia.


AAM positions itself not only as a physical distributor, but also as a partner for growth through market exploration and also sales and growth opportunity exploration. AAM provides information and analysis to partners as input for formulating target-oriented business strategies.

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IPOS (Integrated Purchase Order System) is an online service to facilitate customer interaction with AAM in terms of product purchase, stock check, shipment status tracking, purchase history, invoice list, and other features. IPOS is used by about 12,000 customers and can be accessed via Smartphone and Website. Customers can place orders anytime and anywhere without waiting for direct interaction with AAM's Sales Force and Customer Service Officer (CSO).


Principals will receive scheduled reports according to the agreed template via InfoMail.

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In addition, AAM also has mobile apps to monitor sales performance in real time through InfoBoard and also a High-Level Dashboard for more comprehensive analysis services through the InfoLink application. AAM will also provide a comprehensive analysis to principals every month via InfoBiz delivered by AAM's Business Manager.

Business & Sales Management

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To provide efficient ordering service to customers, AAM is supported by over 800 Sales Force and 90 Customer Service Officers using ERP (Oracle) and iSCAPS (Interactive Salesman Call Plan System) technology. AAM also provides online ordering services where customers can independently place orders through a mobile and web application (iPOS PBF Online) and through a B2B connected ordering system between the customer and AAM. The ease and flexibility of this ordering process makes AAM a reliable and reputable distributor for all its customers.


IPOS (Integrated Purchase Order System) is an online service to facilitate customer interaction with AAM in terms of product purchase, stock check, shipment status tracking, purchase history, invoice list, and other features. IPOS is used by about 12,000 customers and can be accessed via Smartphone and Website. Customers can place orders anytime and anywhere without waiting for direct interaction with AAM's Sales Force and Customer Service Officer (CSO).


B2B is a Host-to-Host File Transfer Protocol (FTP) based online order system that enables integration between customer ordering systems and AAM's order system. Through B2B, customer orders will directly enter AAM's order system and be ready for verification and shipment processing without the need for direct interaction with AAM's Sales Force and Customer Service Officer (CSO). The B2B system is currently used by over 750 customers, mainly by well-known hospitals, pharmacies, and modern markets in Indonesia.


GPOS Lite is a specialized pharmacy cashier application in Indonesia that provides many beneficial features for the growth of the pharmaceutical business in the digital era. GPOS Lite is specifically designed with the latest technology to optimize the pharmaceutical business and will continue to improve the system to always be ahead in the competition in the digital era. GPOS Lite is the only POS (Purchase Order System) that provides a solution for pharmacies to easily open an online store and can connect to various well-known eCommerce in Indonesia.

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AAM positions itself not only as a physical distributor, but also as a partner for growth through market exploration and also sales and growth opportunity exploration. AAM provides information and analysis to partners as input for formulating target-oriented business strategies.


IPOS (Integrated Purchase Order System) is an online service to facilitate customer interaction with AAM in terms of product purchase, stock check, shipment status tracking, purchase history, invoice list, and other features. IPOS is used by about 12,000 customers and can be accessed via Smartphone and Website. Customers can place orders anytime and anywhere without waiting for direct interaction with AAM's Sales Force and Customer Service Officer (CSO).


Principals will receive scheduled reports according to the agreed template via InfoMail. In addition, AAM also has mobile apps to monitor sales performance in real time through InfoBoard and also a High-Level Dashboard for more comprehensive analysis services through the InfoLink application. AAM will also provide a comprehensive analysis to principals every month via InfoBiz delivered by AAM's Business Manager.

Supply Chain Management

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AAM ensures the quality of storage and customer service through its National Distribution Center (NDC), a centralized national distribution warehouse located in Cikarang, West Java, with an area of over 12,000 m2 and supported by the VNA (Very Narrow Aisle), Oracle WMS, large-capacity Cold Storage, and Selective Pallet Racking systems, as well as supported by 33 retail warehouses at branches.


The processes at the NDC run effectively and efficiently to ensure the planned allocation plans by the Distribution Planner are executed precisely and in the right quantity.


All warehouses at AAM are designed, constructed, and maintained to ensure proper and compliant operational processes such as receiving, storing, picking, packing, and product delivery. The AAM warehouses are also supported by a reliable IT system with barcodes and monitoring systems, pest control, security, and alarm systems. AAM's warehouses meet the requirements of CDOB, CDAKB, Halal, and ISO 9001.


With large storage capacities of over 32,000 pallet positions and a warehouse area of over 25,000 m2, each warehouse has temperature-controlled storage areas: Cold Room (2°- 8°C), Cool Room (15°- 25°C), and Ambient Room (<30°C).

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AAM ensures the product quality is maintained not only during storage at the warehouse but also during delivery to branches or customers. AAM understands that high customer service level can only be achieved with accurate product availability at each branch. Products allocation from the National Distribution Center (NDC) to branches can be done using various transportation options (land, sea, and air) supported by over 70 trusted transportation vendors. AAM consistently maintains good delivery service levels to customers supported by over 180 box motorcycles and over 80 box trucks. AAM ensures the quality standards for every fleet used to fulfill customer orders from Aceh to Papua.


All fleets are ensured to meet required quality standards with regular checks following the applicable procedures. Our delivery personnel are equipped with sufficient knowledge to ensure the safety and quality of the product, supported by regular training for each personnel (In Warehouse Training System).


AAM understands the importance of monitoring delivery status systems to ensure delivery service levels to branches and customers. AAM has developed the iTrace system for monitoring delivery status from NDC to branches and the iEX system for monitoring delivery status to customers.


AAM is the first distributor of pharmaceutical, medical devices, and healthcare products to receive halal certification from LPPOM MUI. AAM is using packaging methods that can maintain product conditions according to the requirements of the principal, including for Cold Chain Product (CCP).


AAM has over 25 years of experience in distributing Cold Chain Products (CCP). AAM's warehouse has a dedicated storage for CCP, including Chillers and Cold Storage, both are validated and undergo regular qualification processes. The cold storage is equipped with data loggers to record temperature data and an alarm system connected to a third-party alarm service provider to monitor temperature. The CCP shipment process uses qualified CCP vehicles or qualified passive packaging to ensure that the packaging and delivery methods can maintain the required temperature range (2°- 8° C).

Quality Management

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AAM has AXIS (AAM Excellence Integrated System) for implementing a Quality Management System that meets ISO 9001 standards. AXIS ensures that all distribution processes follow the same standards to guarantee product quality and compliance with key requirements such as Good Storage & Distribution Practices (GSDP), Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices (GDPMD), Halal certification from LPPOM MUI, and other quality assurance requirements.

Collection Management

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Since the launch of the National Health Insurance program (JKN) in December 2013, AAM has developed its ability to monitor billing status, particularly in hospitals, through the Web Billing system. Through this system, AAM can ensure billing status up until payment. Customers also have additional information for product allocation planning to AAM branches. This system can also calculate order fulfillment, particularly for time-sensitive orders. This is extremely important not only for AAM, but also for customers, particularly in relation to fulfilling JKN program orders.

Customer Relation

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AAM Knowledge Sharing for Customer (AKAR) is a knowledge sharing program from AAM to its customers, aimed at sharing skills and other valuable information to add value to the customer experience. AAM collaborates with its principals, supports the marketing strategy established by the principals by raising customer awareness in targeted areas. AAM annually holds AKAR events attended by customers from various regions, from Sabang to Merauke. The content and themes of the knowledge sharing sessions in each event are tailored to meet the needs of customers and market developments. Exciting and engaging AKAR activities improve customer image. Our surveys stated that our customers are hoping that AKAR events will continue to be held regularly with content that enriches their knowledge and can be applied directly in their work.



AAM has a knowledge-based management program called the Customer Warehousing Quality Assistance (TUNAS). Through TUNAS, AAM provides data-based inputs and specialized support to help the customers grow and develop, leading to increased knowledge on product handling and management quality. With TUNAS, customers can meet the required accreditation through the materials, information, and knowledge on technology, administration, and business provided by AAM's competent professional staff.


AAM realizes the importance role of Customer Service Officer (CSO) for customers and business partners. AAM's CSOs provide various assistance services and products such as information regarding complaint handling, providing marketing insights, and more. In supporting order fulfillment, AAM ensures a competent CSO team with good communication skills acquired through regular training activities. In addition, the CSO team always implements the company values, being professional, trustworthy and empathetic, reflected in the iCARE spirit (Informative, Quick Response, Trustworthy, Responsive, and Empathetic), thus providing standard services and producing excellent customer service.

Markeing & Sales
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Marketing & Sales

AAM understands the marketing needs of our principals. In recent years, AAM has developed a marketing division to respond to marketing needs through offline and online marketing services in collaboration with PT Global Urban Essential through the Doctor to Doctor (D2D) application.

Registrasi & Importasi
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Registration and Importation

In addition to distribution services, AAM also provides Registration and Import services, especially for non-pharmaceutical products. 

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