Inauguration of New Office Branch AAM Banjarmasin Brings In Renewed Energy
Excitement gleamed in the face of all employees of AAM Banjarmasin Branch. That day, Monday, October 11, 2010, is the first day of a new branch office occupies. Thanksgiving ceremony was marked by Nasi Tumpeng serving by Julius S Hendro, AAM Banjarmasin Branch Manager, proceeded with symbolized handover of the office key to the principal representatives. Also present in the event is Stephen Febianto, AAM Regional Operations Manager.
In his remarks, Julius highlighted his expectation that the new facility will increasingly drive the spirit of work colleagues in Banjarmasin Branch. Thus, everyone can perform their best and to actively contributes in strengthening the establishment of Dexa Group in South Kalimantan.
The event was closed with a prayer by a prominent local cleric, H. Husni Nurin. In the occasion, he expressed a kind reminder to all employees to always be grateful, charitable, and pray that what has been planned and executed become a blessing for both personal and corporate advancement.
The new office is now located at Banjarmasin Branch Jl. Pramuka Km 6 No. 18 RT 33 Kelurahan Pemurus Baru & Luar, district Banjar Selatan, Banjarmasin. The building is fully equipped by facilities and infrastructure that support the operation of office network infrastructure. The presence of VoIP-WiFi service is expected to shore up the duties of employees in achieving the agreed target. Have a productive work, colleagues! New office … New energy! (*)