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The Inauguration of AAM Jakarta 3 - Pamulang Branch Building

PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) inaugurated its new branch office building in Jakarta 3 - Pamulang on February 22, 2018, located at Jl. Kunir III RT.02 RW.05, Kel. Pondok Cabe, Kec. Pamulang, South Tangerang.

The new branch office building has been actively used and is a testament to AAM's active response to the government's national health insurance program (JKN) where the distribution of health care to the public is accompanied by an increase in the demand for medicines. This means that AAM's warehouse capacity needs to be more adequate, and this is proof of AAM's commitment to continuous growth and capacity improvement.

The grand opening of the new building received positive feedback and appreciation from principals, business partners, the National Agency of Drug and Food Control, and the Banten Provincial Health Department, who also attended the inauguration event.

The Banten Provincial Health Department emphasized the important role of AAM in ensuring the availability and distribution of medicine to the public, particularly through the government procurement agency. AAM is expected to continue to serve as an example and to actively participate in the realm of medicine distribution.

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