Corporate News – According to the results of a survey conducted by the Central Management of the Indonesian Hospital Pharmacy Seminate Association or HISFARSI on 12 – 24 September 2021 among more than 300 hospital pharmacists throughout Indonesia, Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) was chosen as the preferred drug distributor. Quickness of delivery of goods, conformance with ordering items, quality of delivery of goods, ease of returning goods, orderly administration, and speed of delivering information on availability of goods are all topics covered in surveys or polls.
Dr. apt Amrizal Marzuki, M.Kes., MARS, Head of HISFARSI Central Executive, presented the award to Mr. Untung Agusman, Head of AAM Yogyakarta Branch, as AAM's representative in the Annual Scientific Week (PIT) and HISFARSI National Work Conference (Muskernas) with the theme "A To Z Interprofessional Collaboration for Better Patient Outcomes, in Yogyakarta, 5 November. Mrs. Juliwaty, President Director of PT AAM, expressed her gratitude to HISFARSI and all pharmacists who have placed their trust and appreciation in AAM as the most preferred distributor for this honor.